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Spirit of Excellence Awards FAQs


What’s the goal of the Erlanger Spirit of Excellence Award?
The Erlanger Spirit of Excellence Award, which is for providers only, is one of many ways to foster and maintain a culture of gratitude here at Erlanger. Recognition is one of our core values! This program is a way to formally identify, recognize, and award Erlanger providers who model exceptional performance and exhibit a caring attitude for our patients and staff.

Who is eligible for nomination?
All EMG providers, both physicians and APPs, are eligible.

I am awesome! Can I nominate myself?
We think you’re awesome too, and we love your self-confidence! But unfortunately providers must be nominated by someone other than themselves.

What constitutes “exceptional performance” and “caring attitude”?
Examples of this include (but are not limited to):

  • Noticing and taking extra steps to console a patient, or put a family at ease.  
  • Carefully communicating findings with the patient and family, patiently answering questions, being fully engaged and service-oriented.
  • Always being supportive and collaborative with colleagues.  Taking extra call.  Helping colleagues in need.
  • Developing new work methods that reduce waste or stretch resources.
  • Making creative suggestions that save the department time or money.
  • Providing services to others that are beyond assigned responsibilities.
  • Taking ownership over a problematic issue and enduring until a solution is achieved.
  • Or even employees who perform normally assigned responsibilities at an exceptional level consistently (as identified by a supervisor).

When submitting your nomination, please give a thorough description of the nominee’s actions. The more details, the better!

How will the recipients be recognized?
Employees selected to receive the Erlanger Spirit of Excellence Award will receive media praise and recognition throughout the network and in the community. They will also receive a plaque commemorating their recognition, as well as a monetary gift! (Please be aware that Uncle Sam considers monetary gifts to be taxable income.)

How many awards are given and how often?
Nominations will be processed quarterly.  There is no minimum or maximum.

Who selects the recipients of the award?
The EMG Physician and APP Leadership Committee (Physician Relations).

Can I nominate someone for something they did back in the 90’s?
Unfortunately, no. A lot happened during the 90’s—good and bad! The actions for which you nominate someone should have occurred within the last two months.

Can contract providers be nominated?
Our contractors are a crucial part of our team, and we are immensely grateful for their contribution to our mission. Yet contractors are legally employed by other organizations that recognize staff in their own unique ways.  

What department(s) sponsor the Erlanger Spirit of excellence Award?
The Erlanger Spotlight Award program is jointly administrated by the EMG Physician and APP Leadership Committee, EMG Operations, and Erlanger Organizational Development.  

I have suggestions to improve the program? Who do I send those to?
If you have thoughts on ways to make it better, please send to